Sep 2, 2008

Kauai trip

Aloha to all. We had such a great time on Kauai. We had some much needed family time and rest. We didn't do much, but we did go and see some waterfalls. Rayann loved it. Both kids caught a cold from Simon the day after we got there, so we didn't really get out too much. We went to the pool a lot. It was beautiful. Hope everyone is doing good and hope to hear from you soon. Oh, Rayann is officially potty trained. I wasn't pushing her to do it, but we went out and bought some princess panties and that did it. It only took one day. We are so proud of her.


Anonymous said...

I love Kauai - You see thar surf ! Tubeular..................I bet the kids loved the roosters/chickens. The pool looks nice. I am so glad you put the pictures up. Yes, the panty thing is always a good motivator.........

Siven was bob the builder ! then powerranger,spiderman, incredile hulk, transformer,,,, now Hanes boxer briefs

anyway we love you



Anonymous said...

Love the pictures. I need to update, just takes so long to upload the pictures. Glad you guys had a good vacation. Potty trained??? They just don't learn on their own??? Yikes! Ha ha way to go Rayann your a big girl!!!! Love you all
