Nov 1, 2009

Happy Halloween

We had such a nice evening. Psalms, Siven, Leighton, and Tiler came over and we went trick-or-treating. It was fun. This year was better than last year. More neighbors participated and made it fun for the kids. Braden was so excited to go out that he never took a nap all day. So, when the night was done, so was he. Rayann was so precious with her snow white get up, but I think she is meant to be a blonde. Black hair on her was a little weird. We sprayed her hair that color and it came out easily, thank goodness. Hope you all were safe and had fun, too. Send us some of your halloween photos. Oh, Dad, here's a partial picture of the rock wall you wanted to see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures! I'll post ours soon. B loved trick or treating.
